Monday, November 22, 2010

November 22, 2010 Minutes

I. Icebreaker
If you have a nickname, what is it? What would you pick to be your nickname?
(It was too hard to spell everyone's nicknames, so I didn't record them for fear of misspelling them. But if you want to know someone's nickname blitz them and ask-- don't be shy!)

II. Past Events Recap
- legacies slideshow!
- hotpot
- NAD-DCCS Dinner Discussion
- Bubble Tea Fundraiser-- we made $193.80! good job everyone!

III. Upcoming Events
- ELECTIONS next week! blitz in your nominations to the DCCS account for President, VP, Treasurer, and Freshmen reps (2)

Monday, November 8, 2010

November 8, 2010 Minutes

1. Icebreaker
What is your favorite fusion food or, if you could fuse two foods what would it be?
Duong, 11, French and Cambodian
John, 13, PAC rep, fusion bread
Alice, 13, Secretary, ice cream cake
Hilary, 11, chicken with cream of corn on rice
Nikolay, 12, eats everything
Corbin, 12, horse meat and naan
Eric, 11, salmon roe and vanilla ice cream
Qian, 13, mango shrimp salad
Ben, 14, French bread Vietnamese sandwiches
Anna, 14, orange chicken and french fries
Kiko, 14, freshman rep, banana and chocolate
Emily, 14, freshman rep, ice cream noodles
Robin, 14, lots of pho
Katherine, 13, any iron chef creation
Meeko, 14, sushi and popcorn
Stephanie, 12, Treasurer, italian/chinese fusion
Dan, grad student, California Tortilla in DC
Uthman, 11, fortune cookie and strawberries
Gavin, 14, double down and frapuccino
Yueyue, 12, VP, steak and pie
Tomi, 08, almond jelly and ice cream/gelato
Flo, 11, President, fried wonton with sweet dessert filling

2. Legacies Recap
Congrats to Katherine and Nikolay on a successful event! Awesome performances, free food for undergrads. Next year, it's possible that we can start giving out food later so that we can keep people there for the full time.

3. Upcoming Events
A. PAC community Dinner-- Wed, 11/10 from 6-7:30 in Collis Commonground, free food, dinner discussion and keynote speaker, open to campus, Dr. Belinda Chu '98 "Shattering the Glass Ceiling"
B. Wong fu Productions-- This Friday 11/12 6-9PM Collis Commonground!
C. Dinner Discussion with NAD-- next Monday from 7:00-9:00 PM at the Native American House, instead of our regular meeting we're going to have a dinner discussion with Native Americans at Dartmouth-- there's going to be food (fried bread and food from the Gas Station)
D. Bubble Tea Fundraiser-- 11/16 next Tuesday 9:00-11:00PM, blitz in if you can prepare bubble tea or sell at Novack!
E. Career Panel-- 11/20 3PM Rocky002, 6 alumni will come to campus from different career backgrounds to talk to us about their experiences, come and meet them!
F. Hotpot Social-- 11/20 12-3PM location TBA

4. Exec Meals-- sign up to eat with us!

Monday, November 1, 2010

November 1, 2010 Minutes

1. Icebreaker
What was your favorite party of homecoming weekend?
Flo, '11, President, making Duong's tin-man costume
John, '13, PAC rep, bonfire
Katherine, '13, Legacies co-chair, when the '14s rushed the field
Duong, '11, Friday night seeing Flo dancing with some guy
Vicky, '11, seeing some guy dance up on Duong
Ben, '14, all nighter after running 114 laps
Gavin, '14, not remembering homecoming and reading
Robin, '14, spent Friday night with closest friends playing games
Allison, '11, watching the fire
Qian, '13, going to Boston but saw the webcam broadcast of the fire
Gabby, sleeping four hours total
Anna, '14, rock climbing
Kiko, '14, Freshman rep, high school friends visiting
Kevin, '13, seeing friends doing crazy things
Xiaolu, '11, boyfriend
Corbin, '12, don't remember
Nikolay, '12, Legacies co-chair, cognac
Tim, '14, 114 laps and having upperclassmen cheer
Frank, '14, kicked some guy's ass
Steph, '12, Treasurer, losing voice yelling at '14s
Yueyue, '12, VP, holding table til 7AM
Alice, '13, Secretary, watching Cody draw on an alum's face

2. Dumpling Fundraiser
we made $121 this past Tuesday-- we sold all our dumplings which was awesome!

3. Upcoming Events
a. PAC Update
- wednesday 11/3, 6-7 course selection Q&A for '14s
- karaoke event with SoHK on friday from 7-11
- shanti celebrating diwali on sunday from 3:30 (prayer), 5:30 lighting the green followed by dinner-- to volunteer, blitz shanti
- wong fu productions coming up on 11/12, 6-8 in commonground, 8-9 meet and greet
- ICC mixer "speed friending" and social barriers-- 6-8 on thursday 11/4 in one wheelock
- 11/10-- 6-7:30 "shattering the glass ceiling" PAC community dinner-- asian americans in leadership roles
b. Bone Marrow Registry
- Dartmouth College Cancer Society today (7-11PM in novack) and tomorrow (10am-2pm in collis, 7-11PM novack)
- asians are really underrepresented in the registry so please register!
- simple cheek swab, 5-10 minutes tops of your time
c. Legacies!!!
- 11/6 5-8PM free for undergrads, $5 for community members
- biggest event of the year
- four great inventions
- more volunteers to set up
- set up starts 12 noon in commonground (pizza if you come)